How To Spot A Fungal Nail Infection


How To Spot A Fungal Nail Infection


Fungal nail infections are an extremely common problem that a lot of people unknowingly suffer from. They can be very persistent if left untreated.
If you are aware of the potential early signs then you will be better equipped to handle an infection. While it is worth pointing out that not every symptom is a definite sign of a fungal nail infection, it is better to get it checked out in the long run. Treatment in the early stages could mean the difference between a quick recovery and an infection that could last years and spread to other nails.

If you do have any of these symptoms unfortunately we will not be able to perform any treatments on the area as there is a risk of contamination to other clients. We are very strict with this policy. We always recommend getting it checked and getting a signed letter from a podiatrist/doctor to say it is ok to proceed with treatment.

So what are the early signs?
– The most common sign is thickening and discolouration, the nail can turn yellow, white or black
– Yellow streaks in the bed of the nail and on the underside of the nail
– A noticeable build-up of skin and nail fragments under the nail
– The nail can become more easily broken as it is increasingly brittle and crumbly
– The nail can begin to separate from the nail bed, trapping dirt and bacteria under the nail

What causes it?
The fungus that leads to a nail infection grows and thrives in warm, damp environments, so an infection is more likely to occur after wearing sports shoes for long periods of time or if you have hot, sweaty and unventilated feet. Swimming pools, public saunas and similarly hot and humid areas can harbour this fungus as well. Fungal infection can occur on the fingers also.

A doctor or podiatrist will be able to recommend and prescribe the best treatment to help clear it up.